Test the vulnerabilities of your applications and websites

Penetration testing helps strengthen the security of your applications and websites by simulating attacks under real-world conditions.

Unlike a security audit, which measures your compliance rate against a framework, penetration testing is a technique to assess the resilience of your applications or websites within your information system. We recommend conducting at least one penetration test per year to maintain a high level of security and address any existing vulnerabilities if necessary.

The expertise of Intuity in penetration testing (pentest)

Our OSCP-certified experts adopt the perspective of a cyber-attacker. They analyze their logic and examine potential vulnerabilities. They employ various methods, such as black box, gray box, and white box testing. They also rely on OWASP and PTES frameworks to ensure best practices.

Black Box

Without any information or login credentials previously provided by the customer

Gray box

With login credentials and all available technical documentation

White Box

With all available info, enabling thorough vulnerability search.

A penetration test report is provided once the intrusion test has been completed

A report is provided at the end of the pentest, including all the positive aspects of your security and the necessary information to address the security vulnerabilities.

A meeting is scheduled to discuss the pentest report

Our experts then contact you to discuss the pentest report. This is an opportunity to provide you with guidance on how to address the security vulnerabilities that have been uncovered.